Reading Selectors
Somewhat of a shorthand
Reading CSS selectors is like reading shorthand. Each character, space, etc have a deeper meaning. Use the key below to help formulate the CSS selectors into a readable format.
Beginning and Ending of all CSS Selectors
Always begin with this -> Find all Always end with this -> and select them
p {property: value;}
Find allp and select them {property: value;}
Click to see how to read this
Find all paragraphs and select them
ID Selector (Use the # character)
a tag with an id of ______
#bob {property: value;}
Find all#a tag with an id ofbob and select them {property: value;}
Find a tag with an id of bob and select it
section #bob {property: value;}
Find allsection , now find any descendants that have a#tag with an id ofbob and select them {property: value;}
Find all sections , now find any descendants that have a tag with an id of bob and select it
Class Selector (Use the . character)
tags with a class of ______
.sam {property: value;}
Find all.tags with a class ofsam and select them {property: value;}
Find all tags with a class of sam and select them
section .sam {property: value;}
Find allsection , now find any descendants that have a.tag with a class ofsam and select them {property: value;}
Find all sections , now find any descendants that have tag with a class of sam and select them
Child Selectors (Use the > character)
, now find any children that are ______
section>p {property: value;}
Find allsection>, now find any children that arep and select them {property: value;}
Find all sections , now find any children that are paragraphs and select them
Descendent Selectors (Use a Space)
, now find any descendants that are ______
section p {property: value;}
Find allsection , now find any descendants that arep and select them {property: value;}
Find all sections , now find any descendants that are paragraphs and select them
Video Explanation